Motor City Nightmare Film Festival (One For The Road)
Very happy that One For the Road is in Motor City Nightmares Film Festival and Expo!!! http://motorcitynightmares.com/film_festival
Very happy that One For the Road is in Motor City Nightmares Film Festival and Expo!!! http://motorcitynightmares.com/film_festival
Very Happy that Final Girl made it into Final Girls Berlin Horror Film Festival!!! #MyFinalGirl #FinalGirlsBelin #BlackFeministHorror #BadAssBlackWomenInHorror http://www.finalgirlsberlin.com/
Very happy that One For the Road is in AX WOUND FILM FEST!!! Womeninhorrormonth.com
Very happy that One For the Road is in Female Eye FILM FEST!!! https://www.femaleeyefilmfestival.com
My Final Girl an Official Select/Quarter the Angeles Doc competition (Documentary, Short Form) Thank you Beverly Bonner Gloria Gifford, Marlene Clark, Pam Grier, Sam Waymon, William Crain, Chiz Schultz, Dr. Robin Means-Colman, Dr. Isabel Pinedo, BRIC, Graveyard Shift Sisters, Ax Wound Film Fest, All of my Horror Sisters (and Brothers), my professors (Larry L. Banks […]
Very happy that My Final Girl is a semi-finalist in the Web Series Festival Global 2018!!! https://www.webseriesfestivalglobal.com